Midbrain Activation Program

Midbrain Activation Program
“Brain is a sleeping Giant “
- Tony Buzan
mind music therapy
“If music be the food for love, play on.”
- William Shakespeare
Well, we say
If music be the food for new neural pathways and increase Intellectual abilities, by all means, play on.
facts :
- Millions of parents all over the world want to provide the best education possible for their child…….RIGHT????
- And they have sent their children to the best school they could find in their region……RIGHT????
- Still parents are in search of something that can unleash the hidden capabilities and talent of their child…….RIGHT????
- Every parent wantstheir child to be unique and extraordinaryperson…..Right?
Welcome to the era of Midbrain Activation
The late eminent educator, Dr Makoto Shichida devoted 40 years of his life to explore the capabilities of children and has developed a proven method to enhance the skills and capabilities of children to its fullest potential.
The purpose of education in the future will not be to create people with heads crammed full of knowledge, but to rear children who know how to efficiently, use the whole brain. Rearing children with enormous ability, rich creativity, and the capability to make use of high proportion of their brain should be the goal of child rearing.
– PR. Makoto Shichida
concept :
The assignment to musicals training is associated with improvements in IQ in school-aged children. Our work explores how musicals training affect the way in which the brain develops. It is clear that music is goodfor children’s cognitive development and that music should be part of the pre-school and primary school curriculum.
Man has physic and spirit. What distinguish between living human and the dead one is the spirit existing in his/her body. As long as the energy is there, the man will be alive. Similarly, human brain doesn’t only have physic but also energy (wave). This wave is called a BRAIN WAVES.
Every child is an Einstein, a Mozart, and an Edison waiting to break free and create the next great inventions it is our responsibility as parents and educators to help them become that driving force that will change the world.
What is Mid Brain?
Midbrain is the control device for the left and right brain. It is also the bridge and a key to open the subconscious. Midbrain activation awakens the cerebrum’s potential power by highly effective methods to boost memory, reversal of stress, absorbing power and induction force and enable mental strength and so on. Ultimately this strengthened mental ability helps perform better academically.
It is about your child’s path to Genius
A Genius is a person with exceptional Intellectual ability, with dazzling skills, air and natural talent. Your child can now have the capability to function in this realm by activating the mid brain functionality
Why Midbrain :
Mid brain is between left and right brain dominance for the device, the bridge is also a key to open the subconscious, between the dominant, if midbrain can be inspired, that can balance each other that is left and right brain communication inside and outside, high-quality guide to the logical left brain and images of memory to the right brain and ultimately benefit from both the hemisphere.
As per United States current biology magazine, in articles of May 2010 issue of scientific American, Professor Dejene Stewart entire experiment’s research development once more in the article.
MIDBRAIN activation leads to the function of the third eye, children are able to see things blindfolded, to let the humanity have “thprecisely pineal body function result pineal imagination can be turned into a nerve impulse reaches the hypothalamus. Then, these signals passes through the nerve into the retina, the retina giving rise to a virtual image and at the same time, the brain’s visual cortex of the image passes in the form of nerve impulses to continue to generate awareness.

After attending the workshop, all children will have different degrees of improvement in the followings.
- Blind Folded activity like recognize Color, Number, Shapes, Reading – Book, Newspaper, Currency Notes, Cycling and Walking.
- Memory enhancement
- Concentration enhancement
- Confidence boosting
- Creativity enhancement
- Emotion management
- Awaken the sub conscious mind
- Creativity Enhancement
- Sport Excellence
- Superb Intuition
- Super IQ
- Left Right Brain Balancing
- Stronger Connections in Motor Regions (Fine tuning of Motor skills)
- More Energy and Enthusiasm
- Interest Development
- Mind Body Synchronization
- Joyful and confident personality
Better Academic Growth and much more….